Art and Placemaking
Work together to integrate arts and culture and connect communities…

Demos – A Reconstruction, Andreas Angelidakis, d2018.photo by toni hafkenscheid @MOCA Toronto

From the Tropics with Love, Pedro Y Juana, 2017 @MCA Chicagp

Enemy Kitchen, Michael Rakowitz, part of Backstroke to the West exhibition, 2017-2018 © MCA Chicago
Art and Placemaking
Work together to integrate arts and culture and connect communities…

Demos – A Reconstruction, Andreas Angelidakis, d2018.photo by toni hafkenscheid @MOCA Toronto

From the Tropics with Love, Pedro Y Juana, 2017 @MCA Chicagp

Enemy Kitchen, Michael Rakowitz, part of Backstroke to the West exhibition, 2017-2018 © MCA Chicago
Art and Placemaking
Work together to integrate arts and culture and connect communities…

Demos – A Reconstruction, Andreas Angelidakis, d2018.photo by toni hafkenscheid @MOCA Toronto

From the Tropics with Love, Pedro Y Juana, 2017 @MCA Chicagp

Enemy Kitchen, Michael Rakowitz, part of Backstroke to the West exhibition, 2017-2018 © MCA Chicago