Family Fuse, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, 2016©VAG
Family Programs:
Art Agents and Family FUSE
Vancouver Art Gallery
At the Vancouver Art Gallery, I led a strategic planning process that reimagined the Family programs. The work began with a situational analysis, internal and museum landscape audit, and family and museum member focus groups to understand how to build and expand the family offerings. A roadmap for implementation was designed with some guiding principles. This included securing partnerships with design and performance organizations, designing core arts curriculum around the gallery’s collections and new critical pedagogy for the arts educators to better serve adults and young visitors. We worked to establish two new programs, These further built free learning opportunities and engaged family communities even more at the museum. We introduced art agents who worked across the gallery to introduce new protocols and procedures for art education, hiring of cross-disciplinary educators, integrating this work with school programs, and commissioning interdisciplinary work by local artists.
Evidence of Outcome:
family audiences increased by 100% over 3 years
increased visitor diversity visitors encompassing a greater reach across the city
integration of all arts forms with the visual arts inside the galleries
increased direct engagement and facilitation between artists and visitors
strong impact on adults gaining confidence to communicate with younger visitors about art
established sustainable relationships with the arts community in the city
these programs are still running and continue to succeed